Sunday, September 26, 2010

Investing Tips

Most people today have that greed mindset where they concentrate more on what they earn rather than what it is they are spending there earnings on. This right here is a major mistake. If your the type that spends your weekly earning on the latest fashion you my friend have a serious financial disaster.

TIPS in overcoming this "Financial Disaster": P.A.C.E

Take 10 minutes out of your day and make a list of the things you spend your earnings on.

Here you will basically start to change from spending without thought to actually putting your hard earn cash to god use.

Since you acted you have to stay focus and develop some type of motivation in which this will help you commit wisely.

You followed the PAC now that you worked hard into saving and managing your hard earned cash your going to want to spend right? No, your actually going to continue and find ways to make even more of it. Now expand and Conquer.

"Be the penny and own it not own the penny and spend it." -Pedro Bittle

"You loss to gain! In other words spend money to make money. Don't go making it then spending every penny. Think about it!" -Pedro Bittle

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